Drupal Installation

Hi Guys, I would like to talk about Drupal installation. First of all, I have bought a course from "udemy.com" and trying to make install which they mentioned as it is. But i couldn't be able to do it. Because...

Software Enginner (Angular) interview

What’s the difference between using “let” and “var”? The main difference is scoping rules. Variables declared by var keyword are scoped to the immediate function body (hence the function scope) while let variables are scoped to the immediate enclosing block...

Was Derana’s YouTube channel actually hacked?

TV Derana YouTube Channel has 3 million subscribers. Recently, It can be observed that the YouTube channel has been hacked and it’s logo has been changed, 700,000 posts disappeared and a bitcoin related video was broadcast live. Purpose The YouTubers believe that this is an attempt to gain further publicity and generate income by Search Engine Optimization that would occur as more people...

Software Developer (Salesforce) Interview

I’ve applied Salesforce developer role through Seek ,and had a call within 2 days. The company called Revolent and the who recruiting for specically Salesforce platform. Then i’ve prepared a slide presentation :) These are the main topics cover up:...

How do I find a broker when I buying my house

Highlighted points this week: Research the area and search who is leading that particular area in real estate. Touch with them. Get to know few people. Spoke to the bank and compare with their interst rates. Finally, who I deal...