Hi Guys,

I would like to talk about Drupal installation.

First of all, I have bought a course from "udemy.com" and trying to make install which they mentioned as it is. But i couldn't be able to do it. Because which i download xampp server(8.0.11) is not compatible with Druple 8 php version.
  • Then after 6hrs, i found the easy solution to that.

    1. XAMPP download 7.4.24 version
    2. Drupal 8 download
    3. Then C:\xampp\htdocs to copy this Drupal project. You can change the folder name as you like, which would be your link http://localhost/drupal/
    4. After that, You can up the server and run the project. http://localhost/drupal/
    5. You will get system warning to contine the project, just do it and you need to give name and password to final stage.

    Here you go,

    • Final Version

    Cheers, Ryan
