On this week I able to implement my email template. Potentially, You have report template and if you want to send to the primary user you can choose from the dropdown list and send via an email. Theoretically, I have worked on the route and send data to the view. I am confident to work on route file. The best thing was I have leaned in PHP cache. when you using cache you can use within milliseconds in your output.

The hardest part was for me, working on the mail function. I have gone through Laravel document and step up to work on. In the beginning, I have created an account from Mailtrap system. But my mentor which was set up for me into the company testing Account. Therefore, it would be easy to work on this function.

As I worked on MVC architecture, my mentor would like me to use Usability. Because I have written a few functions in the same function, thus I need to rewrite override and overloading function. Next week, I hope to remove my controller class and rewrite by myself. I think it would improve my basic skills working on PHP based on MVC architecture.

My mentor helped me every angle to do this task and also the most important thing is I have enjoyed the entire session.

I will see you next week. :)

Cheers, Ryan
