Highlighted points this week:

  • Research the area and search who is leading that particular area in real estate. Touch with them. Get to know few people.
  • Spoke to the bank and compare with their interst rates.
  • Finally, who I deal with the comm bank (Felix agent). I found him from reference of friend of mine.

  • Top Story:

First of all, there was a friend of mine call Chalith who work in Uphill real estate. I went more than 10 properties to have a look with him. But I couldn’t interest even single one. Then every weekend I went through where my properties category list. Most of them are can’t afford. Then i met a nice and tidy propery in Pakenham. Yes why not, just deal with till last. It’s not smooth progress, we changed our first broker due to incident of credit check. We had a comm bank agent who helped us to bought our property within 2 days. That’s how I overcome my challenge.

Cheers, Ryan
